Mediterranean Sea

It sees this, as it is different of this, ours! How much language has here, – only in this page! – Of this stretch that you point with the finger, it is the old Semitic language, – let us see here, said Ehud taking for itself eBook of on the col of Ingrid, connecting it its to eReader of colorful screen. Olhe what we see in the Wikipdia: The fencio was a said Semitic language originally in the littoral region of the Middle East bathed for the Mediterranean Sea called ‘ ‘ Cana’ ‘ in fencio, Arab, Hebrew and aramaico, ‘ ‘ Fencia’ ‘ in Latin Greek and, and ‘ ‘ Pkt’ ‘ in old Egyptian. David Karp pursues this goal as well. It belongs to the canaanita sub-group of the Semitic languages, and the language next it still in existence is the Hebrew one, which very similar is followed by the aramaico and Arab. The region where the fencio one was spoken includes the current countries of the Lebanon, the coast of the Syrian and the north of Israel. For more specific information, check out Kaihan Krippendorff . Also it was spoken, in the cartaginesa variant, some old cities of Tunisia, Algeria and Malta, together with berbere. (Wikipedia fencia Language) – It looks at here more under a text in the Hebrew language: ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ – Yes father, I want to know the meaning..


Therefore, in the case of learning of languages, the authenticity of the environment and the degree of affinity between its integrant ones they are essential elements so that the apprentice feels part of this environment, characteristics that hardly predominate in conventional classrooms. It is, therefore one guides to indicate as we can intervene with the development of a person and modify it. With this, Vygotsky does not want to say that we must tutor the student total, but that the development is resulted of interaction of the being with the social environment where he is inserted, and if to know this process better we will have conditions to intervine on the development of the apprentice in order to help it. In the Vygotskyana conception, all man if constitutes human being of the relations that establish with the other citizens. The citizen is not only active, but interactive, because it forms knowledge and if it constitutes from interpersonal relations intra and. One is about a process that walks of the social plan (interpersonal relations) for the individual plan (intrapessoais relations). In other words, it is in the exchange with other citizens and I obtain proper that if they go internalizando social knowledge, papers and functions, what allows the formation of knowledge and of the proper conscience From the theory of Vygotsky we from there perceive that the development cannot be conceived without reference to the social and cultural context in which it occurs, the importance of the interaction professor – pupil in education approaching chemical subjects of social relevance when giving a didactic content, through the social interaction and of the interchange of meanings. In this project, the interaction and the production will be shared leaving of the knowledge that will be the aspects most excellent, to study the progressive trend in the education. The students will have to develop knowledge, abilities, habits and attitudes that allow the exercise them of the profession, and the insertion in the society as transformation agents.


In the total, how many cups of refrigeranteeles had taken? When this problem in classrooms of 5 is considered series, hcrianas that 17 effect 7 + and give reply 24. Ahead of situations of this type, we,> professors deMatemtica, we finish making celebrates it question: ‘ ‘ Why they parampara not to think? ‘ ‘ It has many reasons for these answers at random, without reflection, that the pupils produce to the times. One of them are that nor always the pupil is atentoe interested and this can occur with any one of us. However, the motivomais important are in the fact of that, frequently, we do not stimulate our alunosa to think.

For Pear tree (1995), our form to work can nocontribuir for this. This fact if must, possibly, the diverse reasons, amongst which if they detach: to use good part of the time of the lesson of Matemticaensinando calculations, techniques to effect operations; Almost always to explain the skill to effect the calculation to eesperarmos that the pupil reproduces igualzinho; In this process, educating does not have chance to parapensar by itself and to understand what it learns. It reproduces what we order, and does not only think. In summary, the pupil is trained to find answers certain, exactly without knowing what he is making. We can solve this type of difficulty with one boaforma of dramatizar the problem, that is, together with the pupils to make one espciede theater, representing what it happens in the problem. Another one contribuio resolution of problems is to eliminate the artificial problems, badly facts, quetratam very of situations is of the reality, as for example: In the lunch, Mariacomeu 0,225 of the papaya. How much sobrou it supper? Nobody separates omamo in thousandth eating 225 thousandth.

Magnetic Resonance

Amino possesss on carbon sp3 nitrogen (C? N), what it leads to an absorption in d 40,00. In nitrilas, the carbon atom sp absorbs in d 115 ppm. The RMN specter 13C? DEPT (intensification of the distortion for polarization transference) is used in the determination of on the hydrogen atom number 13C. Logically, hidrogenados carbon atoms do not present signal, in this type of specter. DEPT 135 shows signals for low (indicating metilnicos carbons) and signals for top (indicating metnicos and methylic carbons). In DEPT 90, only signals appear of groups CH.

In the specter of RMN 13C of the etanoato of etila, the signals in d 15 and 30 corresponds to methylic carbon atoms and the signal in d 60 corresponds to metilnico carbon. The carbon atom of the group carbonila has signal in d 170. The RMN specter 13C? DEPT shows a signal for low (d 60), therefore indicates metilnico carbon, and the signals in d 15 and 30 for top, therefore they indicate methylic carbons. In this specter, the referring signal to carbonlico carbon is not verified (in d 170), since it is a carbon not hidrogenado. With this study of the RMN, it was verified that one ' ' aumento' ' of the electronic density on determined atom of hydrogen or carbon-13 it implies in ' ' reduo' ' of the value of the chemical displacement of the same (effect shield). For in such a way it is necessary to know some groups that intervene, of certain form, in the electronic density. This fact is marcante in benznicos rings, with the positions orto, goal and stops. Groups that ' ' doam' ' electrons for the ring (positive effect mesmero) increase, in this, the electronic density, in the positions orto and stop of the ring.

They are examples of these groups: amino, hidroxila, metoxila and alquilas. Groups that ' ' retiram' ' electrons of the ring (negative effect mesmero) diminish, in this, the electronic density. They are examples: nitro, sulfnico, carboxila and aldoxila. To classify them in orto/for leading controllers and goal is to take in consideration the reacional question (reactions of substitution in the ring). Much can be explored of the Nuclear and applied Magnetic Resonance in diverse areas (chemical organic: natural synthesis and products; pharmacy: pharmaceutical chemistry and quality control; vegetal biochemist, among others) being of much importance its knowledge.