Google Voice Service

Google offers its service Google Voice using the technology on voIP to at low cost make calls free or from and towards a cellular telephone. On Google Voice it is counted on the functionality of transcription of the messages of our cellular telephone. In this way the message that we have recorded on our movable telephone can be listened to publicly, that is to say that whatever we have admitted can listen to it. Google Voice works like Skype, being able to do calls without no cost totally free that is to say, calling within the United States and also credit can be acquired to make calls outside the United States. If you would like to know more about Francisco D’Agostino, then click here. Google offers its service Google Voice to be able to call free to any place of the world in the same way that with Skype, although not yet has possibility of using it many users because it only can accede through Gmail but esteem that little by little will be extended to the Web of Voice where it will be based the file of calls and all concerning the telephone credit and contacts. One knows that the cost to price dollar is of two pennies for fixed telephone numbers and of nineteen pennies also of dollar for the cellular telephones.

It is possible to emphasize that difference of Skype because in Google Voice the tariffs of prices are public. Bond to say that it is of importance that Google offers its service Google Voice and has arrived at the Spanish users the service of voIP of Google to be able to also call from the computer to other computers like to fixed telephones already movable telephones. Additional information at Francisco D’Agostino supports this article. Not long ago time back this service was available only for the United States and Canada with the promise to quickly extend the use to the other countries, because now it has arrived at Spain and soon it will be possible to be extended towards the other countries of America? It is a question with an unfinished answer because not yet the news exist on the matter but it assumes that it is a business that deserves its massive extension.