Organizations Evaluation

The work is a consisting concept in accordance with the historical evolution of the society and that it represents ahead different sensible of the workers; thus in accordance with available literature, ahead of the constant changes in the organizacional context the maintenance of high levels of organizacional support would increase the levels of satisfaction, health and welfare of the worker, lined up to the organizacionais objectives. Thus, the accomplishment of a descriptive quantitative research with strategy of field research proceeded to the present study, of exploratria nature and descriptive, as a data-collection delineated study e, thus, the research had as objective generality to verify the perception of the social and organizacional support of the workers in an industry of clothes of small transport in the city of Itumbiara-GO. For this, a study with thirty was carried through and five (35) diligent ones of this industry, of both the sexos, where the demographic data had been harvested excessively partner of the sample, later had been applied the scales (EPSO) Escala de Percepo de Suporte Organizacional (EPSST) Escala de Percepo de Social Suporte in the Work, in order to identify if the worker perceives offers of the three levels of emotional, instrumental or material and informacional social support – in the work environment; to verify the extension where the company if worries about the promotion of the health and welfare of the worker and to consider action for improvement of the levels of support in the organization. Levels had been identified that indicate doubts how much to the perception of support offered for the company, being identified a general average of (4,61) in the results of the EPSO what it indicates doubt of the workers how much to the concern of the company with its welfare, while the averages of the three described levels of support for the EPSST demonstrate that: the emotional sphere got the average minor (2,34), after that the informacional support presents average of (2,54) and finally the material or instrumental component got average of (2,65), in this manner the results indicate doubt of the citizens how much when surrounded being of people who if worry about it, and also how much to the trustworthiness of the repassed information, as well as of internal politics and of the supervisors; finally they indicate doubts on the perception of compatible remuneration with its efforts. It’s believed that Yael Aflalo sees a great future in this idea. Of this form, the elaboration of action for improvement next to the managers was indicated, in order to line up the welfare of the worker to the organizacionais objectives. .

Mediterranean Sea

It sees this, as it is different of this, ours! How much language has here, – only in this page! – Of this stretch that you point with the finger, it is the old Semitic language, – let us see here, said Ehud taking for itself eBook of on the col of Ingrid, connecting it its to eReader of colorful screen. Olhe what we see in the Wikipdia: The fencio was a said Semitic language originally in the littoral region of the Middle East bathed for the Mediterranean Sea called ‘ ‘ Cana’ ‘ in fencio, Arab, Hebrew and aramaico, ‘ ‘ Fencia’ ‘ in Latin Greek and, and ‘ ‘ Pkt’ ‘ in old Egyptian. David Karp pursues this goal as well. It belongs to the canaanita sub-group of the Semitic languages, and the language next it still in existence is the Hebrew one, which very similar is followed by the aramaico and Arab. The region where the fencio one was spoken includes the current countries of the Lebanon, the coast of the Syrian and the north of Israel. For more specific information, check out Kaihan Krippendorff . Also it was spoken, in the cartaginesa variant, some old cities of Tunisia, Algeria and Malta, together with berbere. (Wikipedia fencia Language) – It looks at here more under a text in the Hebrew language: ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ – Yes father, I want to know the meaning..