
Other people! Which shone with their own light thus giving illumination to the monumental hall where we were we moved we went towards them I began to cross the hall and to see the faces of the people hoping find to somebody .nos relative we touched our arms as greeting form were no familiar face but to less she was not single, she said – me for my adentros, treating about reconfortarme- all different ramos, and we spoke to different languages I paused once she had crossed all the people of the place. She asks the person side to him, that did all in this site? I watch myself and with much calm she said to me: – We wait for – and by stranger who seems conforms to me to that answer, at least somebody wise person something! – She spent the time, and began to arrive but people from different tunnels, those that apparently ended all at this hall was rare nontapeworm hunger, neither physiological thirst, nor needs, it felt but me or, asks to him around the group if it passed the same and responded to them positively, – those that understood my question, clearly-I began to think about the theory that we were deads, and did not seem to me so crazy. I am not safe how long passage with exactitude, suddenly I am listened to a voice, that oa in all the hall, of way clear and perfect, and reassuring spoke all the languages, directed especially to each of us, and it said to us: – ventured Well is, children of my creation children of light, them I have brought through time, because I have necessity to take message through you to paradise earthly that I constructed all the beings living paradise this patient and only you will be able to save them, because there are human beings who are not light, are beings who live in the dark Culmino the voice and I indicate to us that we could do questions to him, that all serian responded. The people with whom she found me began to do questions to them, some in languages that did not understand and others in my language could not think that this was happening, I included that the ship that had seen with my family, was there was to transport us to some no longer felt pain, only hope and nowadays I am between you, taking the light message for which they are in the dark. Like I, also are but people around the world. many but people light .


What is Socionics Socionics – is the study of human perception of information from the environment, general trends in the reactions of people on this information. Socionics is studying human interaction with the information environment environment and other people, identifying patterns, characteristic for different types of people. Socionics origins are Jung's work. It was he who first identified in the human psyche four functions: "thinking", "feeling", "feel" and "Intuition", which are responsible for handling various pieces of information. By thinking he was referring to a thought process, under a sense of – relationships and emotion, feeling under – the perception of the senses, by intuition – perceiving intangible, time, predictions, and ideas. Jung also used the concept of "extraversion" and "introversion" and described extrovert, as people focused more on the outside world than inside. Introverts, he described how people attention which has been drawn more inward. Thinking and feeling Jung called rational functions, one evaluates them through all the information through "his picture of the world", "rational." Feeling and intuition, Jung refers to "Irrational" functions, a person perceives them through physical sensations, anticipates the course of events.

Depending on whether a rational function of a priority for the person or irrational, people are divided into rational and irrational. The result is 4 pairs of mutually exclusive functions (4 dichotomy) Thinking (Logic) – Feeling (ethics), feeling (sensory) – Intuition Extraversion – Rationality Introversion – Looking over irrationality combination of each of the four dichotomies, we obtain 16 sociotypes. In the early 1970s, Ausra Augustinavichiute based on Jung's work was established theoretical model, which determines the overall trends in the development and the reactions of people of sotsiotipy and also to identify common trends and describe the intertype relationships between people. Why is Socionics? 1. Using Socionics you can better understand themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, and how effective and convenient to them use. 2. Using Socionics you will make more sense other people's behavior, their reactions and actions, strengths and weaknesses.

3. Realizing Socionics, you can interact more effectively with others, will become clear subtleties of human relations. It is important to understand: Do not take Socionics as a kind of rigid separation, and the descriptions sociotypes and recommendations – as 100% truth (sociotypes description is not based on pure theory, but in examples of life experiences, so can not be suitable for all 100%). In practice, something matches that do not. Sociotype – only a "skeleton" of a person – more than the type, all but the "skeleton" for each person individually, it's an add- of education, life experience, the influence of environment and personal characteristics. Socionics – Practical Science. Understand her better, watching people, their reactions and behavior in different situations. It takes time. Out to take himself as a representative of a certain sotsiotipy, also takes time. The fact that two seemingly dissimilar people are members of the same TIM – quite naturally. Apples also are very different – red, green, red and green, sizes, etc. But they all belong to the class of "apples" instead of pears. With long-term monitoring of people (if there is little interest in Socionics, the observation will take place by itself) you will see some general tendencies in some people.

Morality In Qigong (II )

“Emphasis should be placed / must have / must contemplate morality” The sixth specification refers to the moral basis of the shares and, within the framework of qigong, the most important condition for good results and wonderful. The first importance of morality, among several other conditions, is shown in the fact that there are teachers who have practiced qigong morality without qigong, but are not qigong masters who have practiced qigong without morality. Morally, it means: to be straight / objectives, do the best for our spirituality, nourished with what is moral. unconditional and spontaneous Morality is unconditional, not dependent on circumstances. From a human point of view, can be considered as an extension of ethics, but it certainly is a major pattern of attitude and behavior that encompasses all realms and is particularized in different ethical. Its universal nature is present in all ethics, mainly attribute implies spontaneity-which is in Nature, in “behavior” naturally exists in all things, spontaneity which determines causally the proper functioning of things.

Here, because of that space-time (usually, the circumstances) is less involved than in the human realm, the spontaneity is more present. If we walk through a forest, we see that the pines live in a different space of the oaks, that is, there is so much space each one has its place, and if, by artificial movement, a new plant, this is integrated into the extension of the forest. Carnivores are less than herbivores, a sign of aggression in nature has few representatives.