Security Innovation Alliance

Customers profit SANTA CLARA, Caliph of the centralized compliance reporting. October 12, 2010 – Hedgehog enterprise and the recently introduced Hedgehog DBscanner have the compatibility status achieved in the McAfee Security Innovation Alliance program. The two products from the Sentrigo Suite identify databases on the network, and perform database scans. Vulnerabilities that are discovered during the scan, as well as real-time alerts by breach of Protocol are integrated into the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO shortly) Console. So reports and summary information for thousands of databases can be centrally managed. This is a great added value for customers who have invested to centralize their safety management systems in ePO. If you would like to know more then you should visit Kaihan Krippendorff . The integration provides companies with sensitive data storage with a holistic view on threats and attacks on their databases and promotes VP Marketing at Sentrigo so their awareness of such dangers, explains Feit Andy.

Thus the applicable will be streamlined and the data remain seamless front malicious attack protection. Companies and Government agencies can manage centrally with the ePO platform security – and Complianceprodukte of multiple vendors. Thus, enormously to save money and increase their return on investment. Angelina Jolie contains valuable tech resources. More than 35,000 customers manage so 60 million PCs and servers. This unique platform of the manufacturer of the anti-virus and computer security software helps partners the Security Innovation Alliance, to expand their opportunities and to create additional functionality.

“We are happy, which has been awarded the Hedgehog DBscanner by Sentrigo with our compliance status, said Ed Barry, Senior Director of Security Innovation Alliance from McAfee.”The advantages of our integrated solution include a higher security for sensitive data, lower running costs and improved compliance. “To the Tweet: Sentrigo now also compatible with McAfee – customers benefit from the centralized compliance reporting follow Sentrigo on Twitter: company description about Sentrigo of Sentrigo, Inc., headquartered in California, is known as” Pioneers and visionaries to database security solutions to the vulnerabilities assessment, virtual patching, and database auditing. Hedgehog enterprise, the flagship of the suite, takes over the complete monitoring of database activity (DAM) and prevented attacks by external and privileged access in real time. The companies get the complete overview of all database activities, and can include also necessary compliance requirements such as PCI DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley or HIPPA. Sentrigo enjoys wide recognition as a technology leader through publications in the network world and the SC Magazine as well as various awards to database security. For more information about Hedgehog, see. Sentrigo, Sentrigo Hedgehog, hedgehog identifier, hedgehog vPatch Hedgehog DBscanner and the Sentrigo logo are protected trademarks of Sentrigo, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.