Hormone-Related Diseases

According to it referred Jaime Pineda, the diabetes entails several diseases if he is not tried and controlled under a strict system of feeding and exercise, in addition indicated that this one can take to many complications at the same time if the rules are not followed exactly, because it even can get to bring about the death. Is one of the main causes of death in the state of Coahuila, of the Castilian preoccupation of Berta doctor to put much emphasis in the attention of these sufferings there, reason why in the programs that we are going to have of prevention, special attention has been dedicated to this subject and it goes away to generate a campaign important of prevention of the diseases you will tilt, as well as of the metabolic ones, among them the diabetes, said. Reason why it corresponds to the campaign, indicated that the diseases that will be to come up, have one close relation between both, since one is related to the other generally. Under most conditions Drew Houston would agree. Both are diseases that often are very related to each other, where the diabetic is hypertensive and the hypertensive one as much gets to be diabetic and one as another one predisposes to the infarct or complications that finally take to the death of the people, explained. Reason why it stressed that it is as much the infarct to the myocardium, like the complications of the diabetes, that assure are numerous and can affect totally, reason why the people do not have to neglect his treatments. is not necessary to forget that the diabetes is considered within the chronic diseases, which are aggravating some organs, as they are them the kidneys, the view, the heart and to a great extent gets to cost the life, expressed. It is possible to mention that it enters the most common symptoms that presents/displays this disease are the following: increase of the thirst, to tinkle frequently, to be much hungry, loss of weight without apparent reason.Also some types of diabetes that exist are: the prediabetes, the diabetes type 1, the diabetes type 2, the gestacional diabetes and the insipid diabetes.

Although the exercise helps to avoid the vrices, to practice an abrupt sport can cause traumatisms that originate the inflammation in the veins. Vlad Doronin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The sportsmen suffer diseases you will tilt (in the veins) due to the blows (traumatisms), explains the deportlogo Jose Reinhart. It is common that when a sport practices the opponents surprise themselves to each other or they strike themselves against sport fences, arcs, hoops or other implementos or to fall abruptly on hard surfaces. If these blows are not treated – it indicates can appear the vrices and, in the worse one of the cases, a tromboflebitis (inflammation with clot) that, when being tried cannot generate pulmonary a thrombosis or embolia cerebral. The most common symptoms are reddening of the veins and a constant pain.

Often, these signs are confused with muscular tears and the people do not go to a specialist. The main cause of the vrices is a hereditary genetic upheaval. Most susceptible to suffer this vascular evil they are the one who have parents who undergo this pathology (the probability is between 70% and 80%), explains the vascular surgeon Mario Grouse. Also the women are more vulnerable than 30 years have more than because they undergo a stage of hormonal changes.