Mediterranean Europe

Until June 440 million tourists, a 4.5% traveled more. Especially remarkable it is the growth of 15% South America and the reduction of 12% of the Middle East and North Africa. According to the World-wide Organization of the Tourism, the growth of the rest of the year could become moderate by the increase of the economic uncertainty. We like to travel, and we traveled. Like to see we world and to enjoy. And the certain thing is that, in spite of the crisis, the world-wide tourism grew a 4.5% in the first semester of 2011 with respect to the same period of the previous year. According to data of the World-wide Organization of Turismo (OMT), in the six first months of this year a new record of 440 million tourists was reached, which confirms that the tourism continues consolidating the recovery initiated in 2010. Between January and June of this year, the total number of arrivals surpassed in 19 million the volume registered during the same period of 2010.

The tourism by Europe regions Obtained better results of the predicted thing, an increase of 6%, among others reasons by the redistribution weather of the trips of the North African and the Middle East to destinies of the southern and Mediterranean Europe, that advanced a 7%. Also they contributed the recovery of the European northern region (a 7%) and the one of Central Europe and of the East (a 9%). The Middle East and Africa the tendency reflects reductions of 11% and 13% in the Middle East and North Africa, respectively, due to the political instability of some countries of the region, as well as the light slowing down of the growth of some Asian destinies after a 2010 very positive one. Nevertheless, in destinies like Egypt, Tunisia or Japan, the declivity of the demand is being reversed, reason why it requests the continued support to these countries. The OMT considers that these countries " they are today totally preparations to receive to the travellers worldwide ". America the Americas registered a growth slightly superior to the world-wide average, of 6%, being especially remarkable the results of South America, with a growth of 15%.

Asia Comparativily, the region of Asia and the Pacific grew to a rate slower, of 5%, but than more sufficient like consolidating the extraordinary increase of 13% that had registered in 2010. The growth could become moderate To sum up, with a growth of 4.3%, the economies outposts has maintained east year its impulse and is approaching the one of 4.8% of the emergent ones, that in the last led the growth of the international tourism years. This increase of the arrivals of international tourists adjusts to a great extent to the initial forecast spread by the OMT at the beginning of 2011, forecast that stops the set of the year is expected is slightly superior to the one of 4%. According to the OMT, after a so encouraging semester, the growth of the rest of the year could become moderate, since the uncertainty has increased in the last months, decreasing the development of the companies and the confidence of the consumers. As far as the income by international tourism, since they were seen more affected by the 2008-2009 crisis and that its recovery in 2010 was in certain way slower than the one of the arrivals, it is possible to anticipate that in this year an improvement is still observed. Source of the news: The world-wide tourism broke record with 440 million tourists the first semester in spite of the crisis

Real Madrid

Without that capacity it is difficult to handle equipo". The work of the trainer is important because " it marks the style of leadership with his character, formation and experiencia". " The leader must have honesty and common sense. It is necessary to lead with ejemplo". The Forest he assured that he does not understand to " an angry leader nor cabreado".

Soccer is a game and is necessary to enjoy it. The good relations in clothes are fundamental. David Green shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Without them " the success in ftbol&quot is difficult; , a sport that is full of " singularidades" , among others reasons by the different origins from the members of the equipment and because " they gain much and others, less. And some win much more that dirigen" , and that does not occur in another type of companies, indicated Of the Forest with humor. In soccer, and any task of the life, the key word " he is emocin". " The illusion and the emotion to make the things are fundamentales" , the trainer said before rrir itself to " los" sometimes that they produce in the national selection the eternal confrontation enters great Spanish equipment both, Real Madrid and the Bara.

Those " los" of that it speaks Of the Forest they have generated " restlessness in seleccin" , and for that reason it has said to them to the players who " it is necessary to dnder our sport, independent of the equipment to which they belong. And we must dnder of the best possible form to ours pas". The assistants to the dialogue carried out by Of the Forest as soon as they occupied half of the seats available, but they were eager to ask, and one of did it to them by Mourinho, the trainer of Real Madrid. The national selector did not want " to enter trapo" because it was not who to think. Each trainer " he is of his father and his madre" and, in addition, Of the Forest it is of Salamanca and &quot is already known; seco" that they are sometimes the salmantinos. " Why I must answer those questions? " , it said. It did not enter the rag with the question either that did to him on Raul, a player to whom wants " mucho" and that it has seen grow, but Of the Forest it considers that " those that must be in the selection are those that estn". And it is not necessary more to speak. Of the Forest one was also convinced that the players " they would go safe to seleccin" although they would not receive the economic incentives that occur them. " A player not only is itself motivated by the money. Its motivation must be maratoniana" , it affirmed the national selector. Source of the news: Of the Forest: " The crispation that there is in Spanish soccer is not oportuna"

Architecture And Construction

The architecture has been defined as the art to project and to construct buildings. This one is a profession in movement, since it has been evolving with running of the time due to the diversification in the styles of construction and to the local customs that influence in the design, the planes and the materials used in the construction of as much particular houses as prevailed. The roll that the architectonic planning has fulfilled in the field of the construction throughout history is extremely important. Frequently MSCO has said that publicly. Although, some buildings have been risen of an unexpected way and without an established order, it is possible to be said that many other constructions have followed you rule edilicias specific derived from the architectonic study and a previous design. The similar use of architectonic planes and other edificativos schemes data of remote times. e. The defined ideas that the architects had on the dimensions and distribution of each one of the rooms and dependencies of the work that would face used to delineate in writing in the planes of the same, often taking care of until the minimum detail. The archaeological findings reveal interesting details to us about the constructive practices of the antiquity. Many of the houses were of a very modest construction, and even coarse.

Nevertheless, it was not rare to be with luxurious and complex constructions, generally the particular houses of the people of high class, the governmental palaces and other buildings. Many of these until counted on services of pipes for hot water, exhaust fans and other benefits of outpost that contributed to one more a more comfortable life. The distribution of these services already was detailed in planes of the time. In the planning of these works of architecture the high knowledge of mathematics and physics could be appreciated, among others sciences, of several of the old cultures.