Madison Square Garden

Sublime, majestic and real, with symbols such as the Brooklyn Bridge, the contrast between the neighborhoods of Soho and Harlem, and Madison Square Garden, New York City captivates by its immeasurable charm and, above all, its plurality, appealing from the standpoint that parses it is. Popularly known as the Big Apple, is located in the northeast of the United States and is divided into five districts called boroughs. This name corresponds to a mode of governance that is used to manage the five counties that make up the city: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. New York is the most populous city of the country with some eight million and half of inhabitants (2007), and constitutes a site of significant importance in areas such as culture, the economy and tourism in general. More than forty million passengers arrive every year, seduced by the various attractions that proposes this fantastic place. Some of them are the Empire State building, that would be the highest the world (reaches 443 meters) for more than 40 years; the Broadway Avenue and its countless theatres; the legendary Central Park, visited by almost 30 million people annually; the Botanical Garden in the Bronx, declared national historical heritage of the United States in 1967; and the historic statue of liberty – inaugurated in 1886-, a gift from the French on the occasion of the commemoration of the centenary of American independence. Parks, museums and emblematic Fifth Avenue are also part of the characterization of this city really stunning to the eyes of any mortal, which is also fully equipped to properly receive local and foreign tourists. Incidentally, hotels in New York are adapted to needs and more pretentious market interests, with quality and sophistication of a culture that only knows of growth and evolution.

The enormous amount of immigrants makes it a constant offering of various wealth as gastronomy, art and architecture, by example. With regard to the latter, New York is recognized worldwide for its nearly 5,000 skyscrapers and monumental buildings, a number unsurpassed in the rest of the planet. Finally, worth noting the safety, order and organization of this magnificent city, which boasts one of the world most important public transport systems. Sublime, majestic and real, with symbols such as the Brooklyn Bridge, the contrast between the neighborhoods of Soho and Harlem, and Madison Square Garden, New York City captivates by its immeasurable charm and, above all, its plurality, appealing from the standpoint that parses it is. Photographs of travel has offered you this article New York, the city of the skyscrapers in collaboration with rental apartments in Madrid original author and source of the article