Copenhagen Consensus

All remember. Rio De Janeiro hosted Echo, Conference of United Nations on the Environment and the Development. They searched half to conciliate the partner-economic development with the conservation and protection of ecosystems of the Land. some important documents had been produced. The Letter of the Land, based on the principles of that we must respect and take care of of the life community, to keep the ecological integrity, to promote social and economic justice, democracy, not-violence and peace. The conventions of Biodiversity, the Desertificao and the Climatic Changes; The declaration of principles on forests. The Declaration of the River on Environment and Development, standing out the beginning of the support. Agenda 21, a base so that each country could elaborate its plan of preservation of the environment.

Thousands of films, announcements and news articles had been made after this, valuing the nature mainly. The lesson that was incomplete: research of the Ministry of Environment, carried through in 2003, showed that 67% of the Brazilian population do not incluam the human being in its slight knowledge on ecology. little people knows today, until, that ' ' ecologia' ' it is the study of the place where if it lives. In the populated regions, where ' ' algum' ' it lives. But a more including knowledge was express of impactante form. The Copenhagen Consensus (2004), that it congregated nine economists world-wide of the great prestige, concluded that the main ambient problems of this planet were, for the order, the AIDS, me the nutrition, the trade barriers and the malaria.

More recently, in 2008, Jeffrey Sachs, special council member of the Special Secretary of United Nations in the Goals of Development of the Millenium, published ' ' The wealth of todos' ' (New Border). Sustainable development, according to it, ' ' it means prosperity globally shared and ambiently sustentvel' '. To reach it, we need technologies that allow to more combine high levels of prosperity with ambient impacts basses, we must stabilize the global population, especially in the countries poor and is mandatrio to help the countries poor to escape of the trap of the poverty with global politics. The ONU now prepares the Rio+20, that will offer a possibility to the world in the fight against the poverty, according to undersecretary-generality of Economic and Social Subjects, Shah Zukang, who complements: the meeting will try to close an agreement of transistion for ' ' economy verde' ' , that it will have to help to reduce the number of poor persons in the world. Finally, we place the human being in the center of the attentions. It does not have nothing that degrades more the nature of what the misery and the illness.