Public Administration

is on this thematic one that we will develop in chapter 2. 1.3.1? Public administration Managemental in Brazil As already said previously, the first Brazilian effort route to the managemental reform in the Public Administration was Decree 200/67, that it had as objective the confrontation of the limitations of the bureaucratic model. The related decree, that had as high point the decentralization on account of the reinforcement of the indirect administration, committed the mistake of not being worried about the control mechanisms, what it weakened the central nucleus of the responsible state device for the formularization of the public politics. The promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988, although to have represented a great democratic victory for the Brazilian people, constituted plus a retrocession in the attempt of if remodelling the Administration Public. It was lost culture of management for results.

From 1995, the government Fernando Enrique Cardoso promoted new strategy for the reform of the Brazilian public administration. The Secretariat of Administrao Federal (SAF) was transformed into Ministry of the Administration Federal and the Reformation of the State (TIDE), that the car-head of these changes became. The Managing Plan of the Reformation of the Device of the State, elaborated for Bresser Pear tree (1995), treated systemize the strategy of confrontation of the main deficiencies of the Brazilian, lost Public Administration in way to a scene with strong bureaucratic presence and practical patrimonialistas. This strategy aimed at to reach 5 objectives: 1) Focalizao of the action of the State in the citizen: the problems of the citizen start to be the center of the attentions of the State. All reform effort has as objective to improve the quality of the installment of the public services; 2) Reorientation of the mechanisms of control for results: the controls leave of being a priori to be a posteriori and established in pointers of results; 3) Administrative flexibility: autonomy to the institutions enough for the attendance of the public conveniences with agility, without mooring cables of the bureaucratic system; 4) Social control: transparency. The objective is the rescue of the citizenship and the reorientation for results. This control is not restricted to the internal dimension, is come back, propositadamente, for the perspective of who it uses or if it benefits of the public services; 5) Valuation of the server: stimulaton of the enterprising capacity of the functional body, for intermediary of the prominence of the public spirit of its mission, aiming at the rescue of auto-esteem and the establishment of professional relations of work.

In 1998, new advances route to the managemental reform. These progressos if had materialized in the Constitutional Emendation n 19. The related constitutional diploma, amongst other innovations, included in the Great Letter the efficiency as 5 fundamental principle of the public administration? the others four are, namely: legality, impessoalidade, morality and advertising? flexibilizou the institute of the stability in the public service. One of the innovations of Constitutional Emendation 19/1998 was flexibilizao of the stability in the public service. The stability is an institute that was created in the bureaucratic school to fight the patrimonialista, established inheritance in the practical one of exchange of favors and in the corruption, that at risk place the smoothness of the acts of the public agent. It justifies itself for the indispensable demanded neutral and impartial position of the public agent in the exercise of the public offices. The ethical and escorreito behavior of the server and the allegiance of this stop with the Public Administration, always subject to happened pressures of private interests, are rewarded by the guarantee of its vnc