The Pharmacy

The auditory system allows to monitor the ambient events that can represent danger situation, allows the processing of acoustic events it says as it, becoming possible the communication as expression of the thought and, also, it allows to separate the sounds of selectively says in the presence of noises, analyzing sounds that occur at the same time. The information tactile, auditory, sinestsica and olfativa more are developed by the blind people because they appeal to these directions with more frequency to decode and to keep in the memory the information. Without the vision, the other directions start to receive the information from intermittent, fugidia and fragmentary form. The olfato tends to play important function, in the dynamics of orientation. ' ' It is common that the blind person differentiates the environment from the characteristic odors surround that it: would sapataria it knows it I smell for it of leather, the pharmacy for the one of medicine and thus for diante.' ' The tato is basic, the blind person will be able to be communicated through tadoma, when we speak in tadoma, we are in relating to the method of vibration of the education of speaks. The child who is being taught in tadoma has that to place one and initially the two hands in the face of the person who is speaking. With sufficient trainings and practical the possibility of if communicating through this method tend to be great pictogrfico system. In such a way we believe that communication is not only language.

Communication can be ' ' Interna&#039 language; ' that it is constructed of life experiences and this, has a so great power that runs away to the human directions; it has qualities among others, the light, the sound, air, the touch, the movement, the wisdom and the talent. 3. Alfabetizao and learning The blind children have overhead in the understanding of associations, a time that the lack of experiences limits the capacity to bind to ideas objects, exactly when these are simple.