New State

The middle class that saw in the authoritarianism the security against ' ' perigo' ' red. Already the tensions politics, if had extinguished left or been ranks in clandestinity as the PCB. However, the authoritarianism of the certain edge of existence to some oppositions. 15 On the other hand, the propagandist machines of the government Vargas, had not only worked for the dither of the leader the eves and during the validity of the New State, but it also served as ingredient for imaginary formation of collective 16 regarding the supposed threats the public order. The proper birth of the New State searched its justifications of being in the propaganda against the communism, in what he was known as the Cohen Plan. The plan was an ingredient to insuflar the coup-minded spirits. The Cohen Plan was taken the public for agencies of the government as the program Hour of Brazil, as well as for periodicals, in the attempt of if materialize the social acceptance of the state of siege first step for the blow of the New State. 17 after the state of siege the effect of the Cohen plan had started to give resulted a time that, who was not of the side of the State to assure the social order, was accused with subversive.

18 Of this form Vargas ' ' eliminou' ' many of its opponents, as well as accompanying of eve. In case that more expressive he is of Flowers of the Wedge, in the government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, that had the support of Borges de Medeiros, therefore, former-niche politician of Getlio The Vargas, and same thus finished exiled. 19 From these estimated, we can perceive the question that we had raised at the beginning of the work, that is, the ascension of the nationalism, occurring, exactly that for this old allied forces in the period where the regionalism was important and vital for the survival politics, so that at the moment of the New State they were ' ' eliminadas' '.